My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I give you a four star, three S's review lol. Short, Sweet and Sexy :0) Noel and Lane are together and there is nothing he won't do to take care of her and keep her with him at all times. He is very protective of her which is sweet and their attraction, whether it be sexual or otherwise, to each other is very strong making them a great couple to fall in love with.
This is a short novella but very enjoyable nonetheless. Noel and Lane have had there ups and downs but in Rock the Band they are together and he is NOT going to let her go. What will Noel do to keep the love of his life you ask? Well one should read to find out;0) I recommend it and my only downfall was that I have not read Rock the Heart yet and I think I should have so that is my fault and I will definitely be reading it soon! I don't believe they have to be read in order but I would recommend it :0)
Buy Rock the Band here on Amazon for 0.99
Buy Rock the Heart here on Amazon for 0.99
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I like the sounds of this one Tanya. Just added the first book in the series to my shopping list :) Thanks for pointing it out! Pretty great price too!
herding cats & burning soup
Your welcome Anna. I hope you like it!