~Would you like to ADVERTISE on Bookhooking?~

If you are an author, blogger or publisher that is connected to the romance genre in some form or another and would be interested in advertising on Bookhooking, I would be more than happy to advertise on my blog for you.

There is plenty of space available on my side bars which is where I will post your ad. 

My fees are pretty simple.  I will charge $10 a month for one space.  All you have to do is provide your button, ad, links and whatever else I may need for your advertisement.   Payment is required up front.  I will create an invoice for you through paypal which is very convenient and safe to use, for everyone involved.

My contact information is below if you are interested please email me with ADVERTISING in the subject line.  I hope this will help anyone that wants to get noticed or even direct traffic to their, books, blogs and/or other sites!

I would like to stay true to the romance/book/ebook genre but if you have something else to share I will take a look at it and see if it is something I think will fit in on my blog, for example my audience is mostly women so something like makeup or jewelry would fit.

You can contact me, by email, below with any questions you may have and thank you for your interest in advertising on Kindlehooked!  I look forward to hearing from you.  Tanya



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